How to Move Awkward Things: Electronics and Expensive Clothes

Here’s another post in our “How to Move Awkward Things” series!


  1. Back up your computers! Beyond being an expensive hassle, a damaged computer can also mean lost documents, photos, music and movies. Invest in an external hard-drive or some online cloud storage (or both).

  2. Remove batteries, CDs, DVDs, ink cartridges, etc.

  3. Before disconnecting wires, use color-coded stickers to mark which wires go where, or take photos, for easy reinstallation in your new home.

  4. Pack multi-part stereo systems and the like together, and keep wires, remotes, etc. with the things they go to.

  5. The best way to pack electronics is to use the original boxes and padded foam inserts. Make sure to wrap the electronics in plastic bags first, or wrap in clean linens or packing paper, to keep out dust. If you have the manuals, check them for any specific instructions they have regarding moving the device.

  6. You can sometimes buy replacement packaging from the manufacturer, including the foam inserts.

  7. You can also find most manuals online these days.

  8. If you don’t have the original boxes, follow the same dust-avoidance step as above, and then wrap each piece in bubble wrap, blankets or moving pads for extra protection. Don’t be afraid to go overboard here — the more protection the better!

  9. Consider packing each piece of electronics in two boxes for extra protection. Pack the device in one box, using peanuts or padding to ensure a snug and secure fit, then put that box into a bigger box, with more padding or peanuts.

  10. Pack speakers and screens standing right-side up.

  11. Large flat-screen TVs may require special wooden crating. Be careful and don’t injure yourself while moving!

  12. Write FRAGILE, and THIS WAY UP on at least two opposite sides of each box.

  13. Electronics are extremely heat-sensitive, and should be kept in climate-controlled areas when moving. As the back of a moving truck is not climate-controlled, this means keeping electronics with you in your car whenever possible.

  14. Finally, consider purchasing extra insurance coverage for all your electronics. As explained in our guide to moving insurance, most moving companies’ basic insurance coverage will not fully cover the cost of valuable items like electronics.

Expensive Clothes

  • First time movers may not know that there is such a thing as a wardrobe box! These helpful boxes come with a built in metal rod for you to hang clothes from. This is your best bet when you are moving expensive, designer clothes.

  • If you haven’t already, now is the time to ditch the wire-hangers and invest in some quality, wooden or padded hangers.

  • Fill shoes with balled up socks to help them keep their shape, and wrap them in tissue paper and bubble wrap or paper to avoid scratches.

  • If you know your clothes will be in long-term storage, you might want to use mothballs or natural alternatives such as sachets of lavender, cloves or cedar chips. Also, avoid plastic containers as clothes cannot breathe in them well and could end up damaged.

For help moving other awkward things, check out our guides on Art and Aquariums and China and Couches.

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How to Move Awkward Things: Couches and China

It’s moving day, and everyone is busy packing except you. You are standing in the living room, hands on your hips, looking back and forth between the couch and the door. How am I supposed to get this thing out of here?!

Have no fear! We are here to help, with this first post in our “How to Move Awkward Things” series. Let’s get started!


Your weapon of choice in this battle is the measuring tape. Measure the width, height (with and without legs, if they are removable), and length of your couch. Then measure the width and height of whatever area you need to move your couch through, whether it’s a stairwell, elevator or door frame.

Do a general measuring of the space on the other side of what you want to squeeze the couch through as well. There’s no point in successfully moving the couch through a door only to get stuck in the stairwell!

You have three options for fitting a couch through a doorway:

  1. If the doorway is wider than the couch, you are good to go! Simply walk it on through.

  2. If the doorway is wider than the couch is tall, then you can turn it on its side (with the legs pointing horizontally), and walk it through that way.

  3. If the doorway is taller than the couch is long, then you can stand it upright and angle through the door.

If none of the above situations is going to work case, try removing the couch legs or taking the door off its hinges for a few extra inches of wiggle room, or simply look for other ways to get in/out of the room, such as a back door or a large side-window.

If all else fails, you can always call a professional to take the couch apart, move it and put it back to together in your new home — an effective, but expensive option.


These items are obviously very fragile, and need as much protection as they can get. Here’s what to do:

  1. Layer the bottom of the box with packing peanuts, packing foam or wadded newspaper. This is an important step, so don’t skip it or skimp on the padding!

  2. Wrap each piece in bubble-wrap or newspaper (or both).

  3. Place large serving platters on the bottom.

  4. Stack cups, bowls, dishes, etc. in sets of three or four, upside down.

  5. Plates are strongest standing up on their edges, and should be packed accordingly.

  6. For serving dishes with lids, wrap the dish and lid individually, then together.

  7. Continue packing the box this way until it’s full, then fill any remaining space with extra packing materials, until everything is snug and secure. You want there to be no wiggle-room.

  8. Top the box with extra packing materials, close it and tape it up, and write FRAGILE — CHINA/CRYSTAL in big letters on the box!

For help moving other awkward things, check out our guides on Electronics and Expensive Clothes and Art and Aquariums.

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How to Deduct Your Moving Expenses

One of moving’s saving graces is the opportunity to save money by deducting your moving expenses on next year’s taxes. Unfortunately, like all things related to the IRS, the process is pretty complicated. Luckily for you, we’ve put together the following guidelines to simplify things.

First things first… Can You Deduct Your Moving Expenses?

To qualify for a tax-deductible move, you need to meet two requirements of the IRS:

1) The Distance Test

Your new home needs to be 50 miles further away from your place of work than your last home was. Or, if you did not have a job (or worked from home) before, your new workplace must be at least 55 miles away from your old home.

2) The Time Test

You need work full-time for at least 39 weeks in the 12 months after the move. If you move late in the year, and can’t fit in 39 weeks before the end of the tax year, the IRS will still let you deduct your moving expenses if you plan to work 39 weeks of a full-time job. If you end up not doing so, you can always amend your tax return later, or deduct your savings as “other income” on next year’s tax return. Also, these weeks do not need to be consecutive, nor with just one employer!

Exceptions to the time test do exist. If any of the following situations apply to you, you are still eligible for move-related tax-deductions:

  • You’re transferred by your employer.

  • You’re fired for anything besides willful misconduct.

  • You have to leave the job due to becoming disabled.

  • You’re filling out the form for someone who has passed away.

  • You’re in the military and moving due to a permanent change of station.

  • You lived and worked abroad and are moving back to the US to retire.

  • You’re the dependent/spouse of a deceased person who worked and lived outside the US, and you’re moving from the deceased person’s home to a home in the US, within 6 months of their death.

You’re also allowed to deduct if you’re moving to the US from a home abroad, and if you’re moving abroad.

To see if you’re eligible to deduct moving expenses, the IRS has a helpful quiz you can take here.

What’s Deductible?

If you meet the requirements above, you can deduct the following expenses:

Travel Costs

  • Gas/oil for your vehicle

  • Highway tolls

  • Parking fees

  • Rental cars

  • Flight/train tickets

  • Hotel/motel charges (does not include meals)

Moving Costs

  • Moving company costs

  • Cost of storage up to 30 days

  • Packing materials: boxes, tape, crating, etc.

  • Costs of shipping pets and cars

  • Costs to insure your goods during transit

  • Fees to connect/disconnect utilities — Does not cover late fees or reimbursable deposits

Note that the IRS clearly states that only “reasonable”costs can be deducted, which basically means only those costs that require you to move directly from your old home to your new one. So if you’re moving from NYC to Boston, you can’t deduct the fuel costs for the detour you take to see your grandparents in upstate New York.

While this article covers most of the information you need to know, head to this IRS page for more details and exceptions, because when the IRS is concerned, there are always more details and exceptions!

Finally, if you’ll be filing your taxes yourself next year, use this form to deduct your moving expenses.

Good luck!

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How Far in Advance to Plan Your Move

Moving, like all major undertakings, is much easier when you plan ahead and spread out the process over time. Here are some general guidelines to help you do so:

3–6 Months in Advance

Start Budgeting: How early you want to start budgeting depends on how much you make, how tight your budget is, and how expensive you think your move will be. But generally speaking, the more time you have to save up money for your move, the better. (Related: How To Budget for Your Move in 3 Simple Steps)

2–3 Months in Advance

Start Hunting: How long it will take you to find a new place depends on if you’re renting or buying, what season it is, the skills of your realtor, what you’re looking for, and of course how determined (and lucky) you are. Some people find a new place in under a week, whereas for others it takes months. Best to err on the side of caution and start looking early.

6–8 Weeks in Advance

Start Planning: Decide on a concrete moving date, and start comparing the prices of different moving companies and moving-truck rentals (U-Haul, Ryder, etc.), with the cost of moving by yourself. Make sure to also factor in extra services you may need, like full-service packing, special crating (for pianos, refrigerators, etc.), vehicle-shipping, and storage.

4–6 Weeks in Advance

Take Stock and Purge: Go through your home (starting with closets, garages, basements and attics) and decide what you will bring and what you want to get rid of. See our guides on selling, donating, and throwing away your stuff for more help here.

Make a Decision: Once you’ve taken stock of your belongings, it’s time to decide how you’re going to move: by yourself, with a rental truck, or through a moving company (and which type).

If you’re using a moving company, 4–6 weeks should be far enough in advance to ensure they have slots available for you, and that they won’t gouge your wallet. However, if you’re moving between May-September (peak moving season in the US) you might want to start this process even sooner.

Lock Down a New Home: If you haven’t done so already, now is when you really need to officially have a new place to move to. You might have a little more leeway if you’re moving into a new apartment, but when purchasing a home, it typically takes 30–45 days for the loan process to finalize from the time you make a decision.

4 Weeks

Start Telling People: Notify employers, friends and family, attorneys, accountants, banks, credit card and insurance companies, schools, magazines, newspapers, etc. of your new address. Submit a Change of Address to the post office, and get clear on what your state’s DMV will require of you.

Gather Records: Medical, dental, veterinarian, schools, etc.

Schedule Disconnects: Gas, water, electric, cable, satellite, etc.

2–3 Weeks in Advance

Start packing: If you’re going to pack yourself, now’s a good time to start. Obviously, if you’re moving out of a studio apartment, you most likely won’t need 3 weeks to pack your stuff. But if you’re leaving a 3-bedroom family home you’ve lived in for years, you’ll need all the time you can get!

Pack smart, by starting with what you use the least, and saving the essentials for last. Try to finish the bulk of your packing at least a week before you leave.

1 Week in Advance

Clean-Up: Finish packing, leaving an “essentials box” for moving day. Make sure fridges/freezers are emptied, unplugged and defrosted 24–48 hours before moving day.

Following these steps will get you adequately ready for your move. For tips and advice on what you need and what to do on the moving day itself, head here.

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12 Things You Need for Moving Day

Hopefully you read and followed our guide on How Far in Advance to Plan Your Move, in which case you’ll be well-prepared for moving day. If not, well, better late than never!

Just have the following 12 things on hand, and you’ll be good to go.

  1. Alarm Clock — You’re going to want to squeeze as much time out of this day as you possibly can, so set an alarm (or two or three) and make sure you get up on time!

  2. Proper Clothes — Moving is a sweaty, dirty process, so wear casual clothes and sturdy, rubber-soled shoes. Consider using moving gloves as well — a day handling cardboard boxes will leave your hands filthy.

  3. Extra Packing Supplies — Best to be prepare for the inevitable and have extra packing stuff on hand for the things you forgot to pack. That means boxes, tape, bubble wrap/towels, bags and markers.

  4. Important Documents — If you’re using a moving company, have the moving inventory, bill of lading, contracts and insurance paperwork on hand. For renters, have copies of your leases, old and new. Pro-tip: write down important phone numbers (your new home, realtor, landlord, the moving company, truck driver, etc.) on a piece of paper in case your phone breaks, dies or is lost in the mayhem.

  5. Phone Chargers — Nice segue, right? Your phone is going to be used a lot today, so keep a charger handy.

  6. First Aid Kit — Injuries do happen, so make sure to have the basics ready if you need them: Neosporin, band-aids, pain-meds, etc.

  7. Basic Tools — Having some basic tools on hand is always a good idea. A good place to start is a box cutter, scissors, Swiss-Army knife, hammer, duct tape, and a couple screwdrivers (Philips and flathead). And of course a bottle/wine opener for end-of-the-day celebrations!

  8. Cooler and Ice — Hopefully you planned ahead and did not leave yourself a fridge-full of food to deal with on moving day! Regardless, a cooler is still a good idea for snacks and drinks for the moving guys, helpful friends, and for your upcoming drive.

  9. Home Protection — Avoid damages, by putting pads on the legs of furniture, wrapping door frames, bannister railings, and any hard corners in moving blankets (with tape to keep in place), and covering your floors and carpets with whatever is handy: cardboard, plywood, carpet film protectors, old rugs, curtains, sheets, etc.

  10. Cleaning Supplies — Get that security deposit back! Or just be courteous. Have a room (or borrow a vacuum, since yours will probably be packed already), mop, cleaning-wipes, paper towels, all-purpose cleaner, trash bags, etc.

  11. Toys and Snacks for Kids and Pets — Really, you’re best off dumping your kids and/or pets on a friend or family member for the day. Having them out of the way will make the move easier and less stressful for everyone involved. If they need to stay in the house, however, keep them out of the way room as much as possible. Also make sure you have plenty of snacks and comforting/entertaining items to stay occupied.

  12. Cash — For tolls, food, parking fees, tips (for moving companies, it’s expected! $20–100 per person is best, depending on their service and how tricky the move was), etc.

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What to Do with Pets as You Move

Moving can be just as stressful for your pets as it is for you, and stressed out pets can be a serious hassle — leading to aggression, accidents, or even them running away.

Though they don’t know exactly what’s going on, they know something is happening: strange people are moving in and out of the house, the environment is changing radically as everything is packed up, and they can easily pick up on any stress or anxiety you are feeling.

Here are some tips to follow to keep your pets happy, calm, and well taken care of during a move.


Before moving, do the following:

  • Get your pets groomed.

  • Update your pets’ vaccinations.

  • Make sure your pet can comfortably fit in its kennel.

  • To reduce stress, accidents, aggression, escape attempts, and/or excessive noise, slowly introduce your pets to their kennel in the weeks leading up to the move.

  • Prepare for accidents and line the kennel with towels or “puppy pads.”

  • Ask your vet if your pet requires any specific health certifications for travel.

  • If you know your pet is aggressive with strangers during traveling, consider asking your vet about mild sedative options. There are also anti-anxiety and motion sickness medications available.

  • If you’re moving long-distance, and will be driving multiple days, check beforehand which hotels will allow pets. Don’t trust the internet here — call the hotels for confirmation.

  • If you’re moving internationally, note that many countries require extra paperwork, vaccinations, etc.

If you’re going to be flying to your new home make sure to do the following:

  • Confirm whether or not your pet can ride in the cargo area — many can’t, including puppies, kittens, “pug-nosed” animals, and animals that are sick, in heat, pregnant, or especially weak.

  • Look up your airline’s policies regarding pets.

  • Book direct flights to reduce the risk of your pet being put on the wrong plane!

Moving Day

As a general rule, it’s a good idea on moving day to keep your pet in a quiet room, away from activity and foot traffic, to reduce stress.

If your pet is travelling with you:

  • Bring yummy treats, a first aid kit, and towels or puppy-pads for accidents.

  • Keep your pet secured. Driving with your pets loose in your car (that includes pickup truck beds!) can easily lead to injury or death, for you or your pet.

  • Make sure your pet has a collar with their name, ID tag, and your contact information, including your new address.

  • Include your pets on bathroom breaks! Keep them leashed, as the stress of a move can cause pets to run away, even if they normally don’t.

  • Don’t leave your pets in the car for too long, as over-heating can easily lead to injury.

If your pet will be in the cargo area of a plane, alert flight staff as you board. Flights can be scary for your pets — feel free to spoil them with some extra love before you hand them off!


Pets will generally be skittish after a big move; cats especially dislike change. Keep your pets in a quiet room during the hustle and bustle of moving in, and introduce your new home to them slowly.

And again, extra love and treats will go a long way!

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What is a Certificate of Insurance?

Moving seems to stir up a hurricane of vital documents — leases, income verification letters, DMV forms, medical records, insurance policies…the list goes on!

If you’re using a moving company, there’s one document in particular you need to know your way around: the Certificate of Insurance.

As far as titles go, Certificate of Insurance seems fairly self-explanatory at first glance. Most people understand both what a certificate is and what insurance is, right? What’s important to understand about the Certificate of Insurance is more what it isn’t than what it is.

Let’s start with what it is

A Certificate of Insurance is an informational document stating the existence of an insurance agreement between two parties. In a moving context, it’s what moving companies provide to customers to prove that they do indeed have insurance. It also serves as a summary of the insurance contract, with easily digestible information about said contract.

This document will typically include the names and contact details of the moving company, the insured party (i.e. the person who’s moving) and the insurance company, as well as basic information regarding what is covered.

It’s important to realize however, that the Certificate of Insurance is not the actual insurance policy contract!

A Certificate of Insurance is an easy document for moving companies to whip up for people, to provide peace-of-mind and assure them their goods are protected and they’ll be compensated in case of damages. But it will never include all the details or actual terms of the contract.

Because of this, it’s essential to look at the policy as well, so you can be clear on exactly what is covered, what is not covered, how long things are covered, in what cases they are covered, what the exceptions are, etc.

If/when you get a Certificate of Insurance, you’ll want to make sure all the names are correctly represented, the policy dates are accurate (e.g. they don’t expire before the move date), and that the insurance company named is a legitimate company.

Why Get a Certificate of Insurance?

First of all, landlords and property owners/managers will often request a Certificate of Insurance from tenants moving out, since the very process of moving can sometimes lead to property damage.

If that situation applies to you, make sure to ask if you need to provide a Certificate of Insurance before you move. And again, if applicable, don’t forget to ask the landlord or property manager of the building that you’re moving to as well. The risk of property damage is just as high for moving in as moving out!

Secondly, requesting a Certificate of Insurance is an easy way to vet a moving company’s legitimacy. A refusal to provide you with a Certificate of Insurance for any reason is a clear red flag.

Of course, if you did your homework, and found a legitimate, trustworthy moving company (click here for tips on how to do that), you won’t have to worry too much about being scammed!

For more information on moving insurance, and what options are available to you, read our guide on the subject here.

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The Skinny On Moving Insurance: Do You Need It?

To effectively decide whether or not to buy moving insurance, you need to first understand what moving insurance options are available to you.

Moving Companies

Moving companies are required by Federal law to provide you with two liability coverage options, referred to as “valuation” options. Note there is a difference here between valuation, which is regulated by the FMSCA and insurance, which is separate liability coverage offered by third-party companies and regulated by the state.

The two valuation options are:

  • Released Value Protection (also referred to as minimal or declared value protection) — The moving company is liable for the total weight of your goods multiplied by 60 cents. So if your $300, 20-pound TV is damaged, the moving company is responsible for only $12. I’m sure you can see the limitations here! Understandably, this option is free and included in the moving contract.

  • Full Value Protection — The moving company is liable for the full value of your goods. If something is damaged, destroyed or lost, they will either repair the item, replace it with a same-value item, or reimburse you the cost of repairing/replacing the item. Note the “same-value” stipulation here: e.g. if your 2-year-old dryer is destroyed, you will get another 2-year-old dryer, not a new one. And Full Value protection does not cover anything worth more than $100/lb (jewelry, antiques, etc.) unless you specifically mention these items to the moving company. Prices for this option vary by moving company, and you’re usually required to purchase a minimum amount of coverage.

Homeowners/Renters Insurance

Homeowners and renters insurance will not help you much. During a move, personal items are typically only protected in case of theft. So if you drop and break a couch on your way out the door, it’s most likely not going to be covered. Some insurance policies will also partially cover damages that occur during transit, but usually only a paltry 10% of their value.

And don’t forget about the deductible, which still applies during moves. If something is stolen, but you haven’t met your deductible, you’re not going to get full coverage.

Other Options

You can talk to your homeowners/renters insurance agent about extending coverage with one of the following options, or purchase them through moving companies or third-party insurance companies.

  • Valued Inventory: You purchase coverage based on the value of your goods. Usually purchased in large chunks, e.g. multiples of $1000.

  • Transit Insurance: For damages that occur in the truck. This is a popular option, as most moving companies’ basic options donot cover this.

  • Total-Loss Coverage: For “acts-of-God”, e.g. fires, floods, freak asteroid strikes, etc. This option is all or nothing, and does not cover individual items.

  • Pairs and Sets Coverage: For items that can only be purchased together, e.g. a vanity mirror/cabinet set.

  • Mechanical and Electrical Derangement: Would cover, for example, a TV that looks fine on the outside but hasn’t worked since the move.


If you don’t have a lot of expensive things, you probably don’t need insurance. Just be careful with your stuff! And if you’re using a moving company, remember you get their basic coverage option free-of-charge.

If you have many special or expensive things, however, like jewelry, china-ware, antiques, electronics, etc., you’re likely better off purchasing extra insurance coverage, as neither moving companies nor your homeowners/renters insurance will offer much protection.

And if you feel you’re between the two options just mentioned — go with your gut!

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How to Budget for Your Move in 3 Simple Steps

Step 1: Get Clear on Moving Costs

To set a budget for yourself, you need to figure out how much it’s going to cost you to move. You’re not going to be able to pinpoint an exact number, but if you think about it enough (and keep reading), you should be able to get a fairly accurate estimate.

Start with all the obvious, big expenses. These include:

  • Moving Companies. If you’re planning on hiring professionals, get quotes from 3–5 companies for a ballpark number to work with. Make sure to include whatever extra service options you plan on using: additional insurance coverage, full-service packing, storage, special crating for couches, pianos, refrigerators, etc.

  • Packing Materials. New boxes are surprisingly expensive. You have plenty of cheaper options available, like renting used boxes or picking them up for free from stores. Don’t forget bubble wrap, packing paper, and anything else you might need.

  • Transportation. If you’re driving to your new home, you need to budget for gas, obviously, but also for tolls and food/accommodation for multi-day drives. If you’re flying, budget for plane tickets, checked-luggage fees, over-weight baggage fees, and transportation to/from the airport.

  • Closing Costs. These can be significant if you’re buying a home. Even when leasing an apartment you typically have to provide the first month’s rent, a broker fee, and a security deposit that can be 1–2 month’s rent.

Next, do your best to think of all the sneaky, hidden expenses that will try to mess with your budget. Things like:

  • DMV fees for a new driver’s license and license plates, or to update your vehicle registration. More information on this here.

  • Vaccinations, veterinarian fees, new registration papers for your pets.

  • Missing work — a day’s missed paycheck is basically subtracting money from your bank account!

  • Food and water for friends/family that help you move.

  • Long-carry fees — if you live in the city and they can’t park right in front of your house, they’ll charge you upwards of $100 for every 75ft away from your door.

  • Elevator fees — Your building may charge upwards of $75 for this.

  • Utility security deposits and installation fees.

The more hidden fees you can think of here, the more accurate your budget is going to be.

Step 2: Set Up Your Budget

Once you’ve figured out how much you’re going to spend on moving, it’s time to find the money for it!

The basics of setting up a budget is getting crystal clear on 2 things: 1) what you’re already spending and 2) what you should be spending. Once you’ve done that, you can go about setting your budget and allocating money for the upcoming move.

There are great apps/websites out there that can help you with this. For a deep dive into setting up a budget, check out Ramit Sethi’s guides on the subject. And for help managing your finances, Mint and YouNeedABudget are both great places to start.

Step 3: Stick to Your Budget

This is where the rubber meets the road. While the above guides and websites will help you immensely in sticking to your budget, here are a few easy, money-saving tips to get you started:

  • No buying things in gas stations (besides gas!).

  • Ditch the cable. Use the internet or sign up for Netflix. Or use your older brother’s account!

  • Head to YouTube and learn some DIY home repairs and hacks.

  • Start using coupons: Groupon, LivingSocial, Entertainment, etc.

If it’s too late to create a budget and you need to move cheaply — check out our 7 Tips for Moving on a Budget!

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How to Update Your Address with the DMV

One of the necessary evils of moving is updating your address with the powers-that-be. This process is called “completing a change-of-address”, and one of the many institutions you need to do this with is the good ole DMV.


No matter where you’re moving to, in-state or out-of-state, you need to complete this “change-of-address” process with the DMV. Doing so allows the DMV to update your records, driver’s license, vehicle registration and vehicle title. If you don’t do this, anything the DMV tries to send you will be mailed to the wrong address, and you will get a hefty ticket if a cop pulls you over!

Now what exactly does this “change-of-address” process require of you? What do you have to do?

Well, unfortunately, the answer to those questions is complicated, because the process is different in each state.

That’s right. Each state has different regulations on what forms and tests are required, what fees will be applied, how much time you have to complete each step and what you can complete online or by mail versus what requires an in-person appointment.

While we could make this Moved’s longest blog post yet by listing each state’s information here, instead we’ll point you to an extremely useful database that already has all the information you need.

Click on this link to be directed to the home page. Once there, select your state from the drop-down box at the top of the page. On the next page, click the green “Address Change” box at the lower-right corner, and you’ll be taken to a page that will tell you what you need to do to change your address with the DMV in your state.

General Rules

While we’ve got you here, read on for some general rules and tips to keep in mind during this process.

  • Be (very) wary of timelines! While some states are friendly, like California, and give you up to 10 days to inform the DMV of your new address, others (lookin’ at you Connecticut) require a form within 48 hours of your completed move.

  • Filling out forms. Some states require separate forms to update your vehicle registration and title certificate.

  • Inspections and paperwork. Many states require up-to-date car insurance and vehicle safety and emissions inspections results in order to register your vehicle.

  • License plate (in-state). If you’re moving somewhere within your current state, there’s obviously no need to change your license plates.

  • License plate (out-of-state). You may need to pay for a new license showing your updated address. Some states only require you to put on small labels with your new address, and others require no updated license at all.

  • Driver’s license (out-of-state). If you’re moving to a new state, you’ll need to get a new driver’s license. Thankfully, if your license is still valid, often all that’s required for a new one is a vision test.

  • Old plates. Note — some states require you to send your old plates back to a DMV in the state you moved from.

Changing your address with the DMV can be a small step, easily forgotten. Avoid potential fines and add it to your moving checklist!

And head here for more information on who you need to update your address with when moving.

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How to Ship Your Car When You Move — Part 2

Make sure to check out the first article in this 2-part series for information on the different auto shipping options.

Because using a truck is the most common way people ship their vehicles when moving, in this article we’ll give you tips for picking a good auto mover company, and guidelines for preparing your vehicle for shipping.

Let’s dive in!

Picking an Auto Mover

You have two options for finding an auto moving company: carriers and brokers.

Carriers are the companies that do the actual vehicle-shipping. Brokers save you time and hassle by finding carriers for you, for a fee. Cutting out the middle man and going straight to a carrier will most likely be cheaper, but it might take you a while to find a company you like.

For brokers, MoveCars and Moving are good places to start. For carriers, check out Consumer Affairs’ list for the Best Auto Transporters for 2016. You can also talk to any moving company in your area, as many offer vehicle shipping options.

To avoid scams and bad moving jobs, stick with companies that:

  • Are accredited with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and have high ratings and no complaint histories.

  • Have active USDOT (Dept. of Transportation) and MC (Motor Carrier) numbers.

  • Are members of the American Moving and Storage Association (AMSA).

  • Provide certificates of insurance.

  • Don’t ask for wire-transfer payments.

TransportReviews is a helpful site for vetting auto mover companies.

Preparing Your Vehicle

Once you’ve picked an auto mover, follow these steps to avoid any problems with the moving company or damages to your car:

  1. Wash it — Previous and potential damages will show more clearly.

  2. Empty it — That includes garage door openers, electronic toll-passes, CDs, etc. Some companies allow you to pack things in the trunk, with a weight-limit.

  3. Remove Accessories — Exterior spare tires, grill and car covers, non-permanent bike racks, luggage racks, spoilers, etc.

  4. Disable alarms — Fickle alarms can be triggered during the move.

  5. DO NOT fill your gas tank — Less gas in the tank means a lighter vehicle and a cheaper move! Most companies require you to stay within the quarter- to half-tank range.

  6. Check for leaks — You could be liable for damages if your car leaks all over the car below yours.

  7. Check tire inflation — To avoid damage during loading/unloading and transport.

  8. Take photos — The carrier should do this as well, but it’s always good to have your own photos in case of a dispute.

  9. Lock it after loading.

Side note: Some companies only accept vehicles in working condition, or they’ll require a things like certain amount of ground clearance, a working driver’s side door/window, or working brakes.

When the time comes to hand over your vehicle, the carrier will inspect it. Most carriers will require you to be present during the inspection. They will record any damages, nicks, scratches, etc. on a “bill of lading”, which they will hand to you.

Sample Bill of Lading


Then, when you pick up your car, if there are no new damages, you sign the bill, give it back to the carrier and you’re done!

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How to Ship Your Car When You Move — Part 1

Wouldn’t it be great if you could just fold up your car and pack it in a suitcase? Stuff some socks around the edges toss it in the moving truck?


Hopefully Google is working on that one! In the meantime, you have a number of options for auto transport. Let’s take a look.

On the Road

The most common option for vehicle-shipping is to use a truck. There are plenty of independent Auto Mover companies to choose from, and if you’re already using a regular moving company, many of them also offer their own vehicle shipping options.

Generally, it takes up to a month to ship your vehicle by truck, with rates running from a few hundred dollars to ship to the next state, to upwards of $1000–2000 for a cross-country trip. You’ll be quoted based on the make/model, weight/size and condition of your vehicle, the distance of the move, and your insurance coverage.

When shipping by truck, you can choose between:


Your car is transported on the back of an open truck, just like the trucks you see on the highway transporting vehicles to car-dealerships. This option is cheap, but leaves your vehicle open to potential damage from rocks, weather and leaking fluids from vehicles above yours.


Your vehicle is fully enclosed in the back of a truck. This eliminates any possibility of damage from the elements, but is more expensive. Typically used to transport antique, classic and luxury vehicles.

With Goods

Some moving companies offer to place your vehicle in the same truck as the rest of your things.

Most auto movers give you the option to pay for expedited delivery and a spot on the top row. You can also choose between terminal-to-terminal (where you drop off and pick up your vehicle at a delivery hub) and door-to-door delivery, or mix and match the two.

Finally, while it’s not technically a shipping option, you can also pay someone to drive your vehicle to your destination for you. Some auto mover and moving companies offer this as an option, or you can hire a professional through a company like ProfessionalDrivers, or find someone yourself through classified ads.

Other Options

  • By Train: Shipping your vehicle by freight train is faster and safer, but typically more expensive than by truck. Sometimes it may require extra insurance as well.

  • Amtrak also provides a limited vehicle-shipping option, called Amtrak Auto Train, that runs between Washington D.C. and Orlando, FL. Note that you also have to be on the train.

  • By Air: The safest, fastest and most expensive option.

  • By Boat: A slower, slightly less reliable and usually cheaper option for moves overseas.

Once you’ve chosen a car shipping option, make sure to check out part 2 of this series here for information on how to pick a good auto mover company and how to prepare your car for shipping.

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When Is The Best Time To Move?

Picking the right time of year to move can be the difference between a stress-free breeze and a hellish experience you’ll shudder to think of for years to come.

What season is best for you really depends on your particular situation. Let’s take a look at each season’s pros and cons:



  • Peak Season. May-September is when most people are moving. There will be plenty of open listings to choose from, and if you’re selling, you’ll have more potential buyers to choose from as well.

  • No School. Not having kids in school makes it easy for families to move long-distance.

  • Warm Weather. Both house/apartment-hunting and moving day will be easier and more pleasant during the warm summer months.


  • Peak Season. You’ll have more people to compete with and less room to negotiate with landlords/agents. Moving companies will also be busier, often overbooked, and will charge higher rates.

  • Hot Weather. If summers are hot and muggy where you live, home-hunting and moving day could be rough.

Takeaway: Plan far ahead, keep an eye on the weather, book moving companies well in advance, and be prepared to act quickly to snag a place before someone else does! This is the best time to move for families moving long-distance.



  • Dead Season. Almost no one moves during winter, which means if you find a place, there will be almost no competition from other buyers and you’ll have all the power during price-negotiations.

  • Cheap Rates. Moving companies are at their cheapest during winter.


  • Dead Season. Less people moving means less places available. Selling a home will also be much more difficult during the winter.

  • Cold Weather. When it’s freezing outside, looking for a new place is unpleasant and moving-day is miserable. Freezing weather can also damage items and cause safety hazards.

  • Holidays. They can be stressful enough without dealing with a move on top of it all.

  • School. Most people seem to agree it’s harder on kids to switch schools halfway through the year.

Takeaway: Difficult overall due to the weather and general lack of activity. But potentially much cheaper if you can find an open place. This is the best option for those with a tight budget.



  • Weather. Both seasons offer generally better weather, less competition and lower moving company rates than summer or winter.

  • Selling. Houses typically sell for more money in the spring.

  • School Shift. If you live near colleges or universities, many apartments will open as students finish school.


  • Less Activity. There will be fewer open homes and apartments for you to move into and less people looking to buy.

  • School. Spring/fall are awkward times for kids to change schools. Spring-break is a potential window for families moving locally, however.

Takeaway: Both seasons are less extreme than summer and winter, making them great options for moving for pretty much everyone except families moving long-distance.

Once you’ve picked a season that will work best for you, keep in mind that moving companies are most busy on weekends (when people are off work), and at the end/beginning of the month (when most leases end).

If you can swing it, moving on a Tuesday or Wednesday in the middle of the month will typically be your cheapest option.

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The Best Way to Pack for a Stress-Free Move

If your goal is a stress-free move, you need to pack with a plan.

Rushing around in a frenzy, stuffing everything into garbage bags the night before moving day? Not a great plan. That’s how your things end up broken, forgotten, or accidentally thrown out with the garbage.

The best way to pack for a move is to start early and pack smart. Just follow the guidelines included in the 3-step process below, and you’ll be well-prepared for a stress-free move!

1) Purge.

Start 5–6 weeks before moving day, by taking stock of your things. Decide what you actually want to bring with you, and for everything else, check out our guides on how to get rid of it all. You can give extra stuff to friends and family, donate it to charity, sell it online or set up a garage sale, or simply throw it away.

2) Prepare.

Once you’ve purged, it’s time to gather packing materials.

If you’re using a moving company, they may provide you with everything you need, in which case you’re off the hook!

But if you’re in charge of getting your own packing materials, you’ll need the following: boxes, bubble wrap, packing paper, wrapping pads for fragile items, and — if you’re using cardboard boxes — scissors/box-cutters and lots (and lots) of packing tape.

You can save money and grab used boxes from people on Craigslist who’ve just finished moving, Liquor and grocery stores, and sites like UsedCardboardBoxes. Another, environmentally-friendly option is to rent plastic moving boxes from companies like RentAGreenBox, Gorilla Bins, Bin-It, and JuggleBoxMoving.

Don’t forget you can save space by packing things in your laundry baskets and suitcases!

Finally, take note of everything that you’ll need a special box for, like hanging clothes, guitars, stand-up lamps, cribs, artwork, televisions, etc., and get those boxes as soon as you can.

3) Pack.

Three weeks prior to moving day, start packing all of the non-essential items in closets, attics, and out-of-the-way spots.

With two weeks left, pack the majority of your clothes, dishes, books, artwork, etc.

If you spread it out effectively, then the last week is basically just clean up!

Leave for last an “essentials box”, which will include your valuables and anything you might need during the move or in the first few days after arrival. Options include: toilet paper, toiletries, towels, flashlights, batteries, snacks, bottled water, valuables, a change (or two) of clothes, laptops, phone chargers, basic cooking supplies (plates, cups, utensils, can opener, soap, sponge, etc.) medications, bedding and pillows.

The “essentials box” is also great for kids! Have your children pack their own box with whatever items they deem special. They will love being able to pack it themselves, and you can add to it yourself after they’re done.

A few general packing tips:

  • Label boxes! Use printout labels or a big marker to let future-you know what’s inside.

  • Pack room-by-room to keep things organized.

  • Heavy stuff at the bottom, lighter stuff on top.

  • Fill empty spaces with clothes or packing paper to avoid damage.

  • Wrap fragile items in clothes to save on paper and bubble wrap.

And the last of our packing tips for moving? Don’t forget anything!

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Don’t Forget These 3 Things When You Move

Moving is like juggling 50 balls while running down the street. If one or two balls dropped behind you, who could blame you for not noticing? You’re still trying to keep 48 other balls in the air!

Here’s a list of things people commonly forget when they move…

1) They Forget to Bring Everything.

  • Things in the home. It’s easy to forget to pack things that seem a part of the house itself, like curtains, drapes, rugs, mirrors and plants. Other common areas forgotten include the cabinets under the sink and over the fridge, storage areas in the basement, attic or under the stairs, and medicine cabinets.

  • Things outside your home. Don’t forget your outdoor furniture, garden accessories and tools, hoses, plants, flower pots, planter boxes and whatever is in your shed, if you have one.

  • Things around town. Make sure to remember the contents of your safety deposit box, clothes at the dry-cleaners, items in storage, things neighbors, friends and family have borrowed over the years.

  • Collect records. To avoid a potentially expensive, lengthy hassle having them transferred later, you’ll want to collect all personal records, including medical, dental and pharmaceutical records, children’s school files and veterinarian records if you have pets.

  • Speaking of pets, don’t forget them! You’d be surprised how many cats and dogs get left behind during moves. Here are some tips on this.

  • Leave some behind. Amidst the packing frenzy, make sure you do leave behind spare keys, garage door openers, and any items you borrowed.

2) They Forget to Tell Everyone.

  • The people. Let everyone know you’re leaving! That includes family and friends of course, but also neighbors, housekeepers, gardeners, babysitters, etc. Then there are the officials: schools, employers, banks, government agencies, insurance companies, and the post office.

  • The companies. Call your utility companies and schedule your water, electric, gas, satellite, etc. to be disconnected the day after you move.

  • The memberships. Cancel memberships (gyms, yoga studios, etc.), return library books and movie/game rentals, and pick up any prescriptions.

3) They Forget to Prepare for Arrival.

  • Take measurements. “Will it fit?” Don’t forget to ask this question! Trust me, you don’t want show up with a couch that won’t fit through the door.

  • Get the keys. Get all the keys: You have the key for the front door, but does it open the deadlock too? A successful move is one where you actually get inside your new place.

  • Accommodations. If your beds won’t arrive ’til after you do, make sure to book sleeping arrangements well beforehand, so you’re not scrambling for a place to sleep after a long day of moving.

  • Parking. “Where can I park?” Another great question, easily forgotten. Waking up to realize your car’s been towed is no fun.

  • Pack the essentials. Include anything you might need in the first few days. A good place to start is toilet paper, toiletries, towels, bottled water, snacks, a change of clothes, phone chargers, and things like plates, cups, and utensils. See #3 here.

It’s easy to forget what you’re forgetting, so don’t hesitate to refer back to this post throughout the moving process!

And if, despite your best efforts, you end up still forgetting a few things, make sure to write them down when it’s all over. That way, the next time you move, you’ll have a personalized list to refer to.

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